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Welcome to Boonville Middle School's Science Department. Science is a full year course offered to all 7th and 8th grade students. Select links on the left to access the home page of teachers and other interesting sites.


7th Grade - Seventh grade students further their scientific understandings of the natural world through investigations, experiences and readings. Students will collect and organize data to identify relationships between physical objects, events, and processes. They will trace the flow of matter and energy through ecosystems. Students will also recognize fundamental differences and similarities between plants and animals. Seventh grade science will help students experience the richness and excitement of knowing about and understanding our natural world. We hope to prepare your student for a lifetime of science learning.

8th Grade - This class continues to build on the concepts introduced in 7th grade in preparation for high school science courses. Skills to be learned include: designing and implementing experiments using the scientific method; utilizing computers and other technology to organize and compare information; investigating the processes that continue to shape the planet Earth; exploring how living things interact with one another and the environment; applying mathematics to interpret data; understanding that historical findings have led to scientists' current insights, and analyzing different systems and the interactions of the parts of the systems. In addition to reading and discussing concepts, in class experiences will include demonstrations, labs, projects, videos, and computer applications.

Resources Links

Click on the link below to access interesting and helpful web sites.